• Free initial consult
    • Several prenatal visits as needed to understand the hopes and goals
      of the birthing couple.
    • Helping to form a Birth Plan
    • Meeting with care provider if requested
    • Ongoing phone and email support during pregnancy
    • On-call beginning at 38 weeks
    • Attendance at the labor and delivery
    • 1-3 visits postpartum as needed

Continued Postpartum Doula Support:

It is crucial for the new mother and her baby to have a period of complete rest after the birth.  This helps the mother avoid postpartum depression, as well as supporting her in recovering her energy and stamina. Often the new family enlists the help of family members or close friends, but when this is not possible a postpartum doula can be very helpful. As a postpartum doula I can give the new mom massage, moxa treatments (a warm Chinese herbal treatment that is applied close to the mother’s skin to increase energy and healing to the womb), help with housework and cooking, and take care of the baby while the parents catch up on sleep.  Available at an hourly rate: $25/hour,  $35/hour for overnight.

Marcie Abramson Sclove © . All Rights Reserved.